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Document Area Overview
Scott Smith avatar
Written by Scott Smith
Updated over 2 years ago

The document area of the member portal is a file manager that is available to house club-related documents. This area provides a centralized, easy-to-access area that help clubs and groups store and organize documents like by-laws, minutes, club flyers, member applications and forms and other club information that is helpful for club members to be able to access. With Portalbuzz, you can upload important documents and compile them into different sub-folders.
Note: Only administrators and Document Administrators can upload documents, but all members have access to this area to be able to download files.

This article will discuss features of the document area.

After logging in, access the document area by clicking the Documents icon on the left navigation menu. This brings you to the document page.
A couple things to keep in mind:

  • Who can view documents? Any club member

  • Who can download documents? Any club member

  • Who can upload documents? Site Administrator or Document Administrator. (If you need to be able to upload items to the document area of the Member Portal, you will need to have your role set by the Site Administrator.)

Upload documents:

To upload a document, you simply click the Upload icon and select the file from your computer. If the file picker window does not open automatically click the Add Files button. See below.

  1. If there are folders to the left under the word Folder, click the folder where you want to save the document.

  2. Click the Upload icon to the right of Folder. See above in red box.

  3. Select the document to upload. The document will save in the folder chosen.

Set how documents are displayed:

  1. Click the Settings icon.

    2. Select the settings you need.

Search for a document:

  1. Start typing the document title in the Search box to the upper right. The documents with the same title or words will show.

Delete a document:

  1. Right click on the document that you need to delete.

  2. Click the Delete options available. This will delete the document from the document area.

Move a document:

  1. Click the document and drag to the new location.

  2. An option box will show. Click either move, copy here or move here.

Add a Subfolder:

  1. Right click on the folder that you want to add a sub-folder.

  2. Click New Subfolder.

  3. In the New Name popup box type name for new folder, then click OK.

Download a document:

  1. Right click on the document.

  2. Click download. The document will download to the default location on your computer.


  • Folders cannot be moved.

  • Files are accessible by all members. There is no feature that can limit files or folders from specific members or member groups.

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