Click the Admin icon on the navigation menu on the left.
2. Under General Administration heading, locate Event registrations and select it.
3. On the Events page, look for the name of the event. Click the pencil icon under the Attendee Types column.
4. The list of attendee registration types will appear. Click the pencil icon to edit a particular attendee registration type.
Important! If you want to edit the billing details (billing code and amount) of a particular attendee type, just click the pencil icon beside the billing code.
5. Click the Update button to save changes.
New! You can now sort the order of attendees in an event.
1. On the Events page, look for the name of the event. Click the pencil icon under the attendee types column.
2. Select the attendee type that you want to sort and click and hold the drag icon to the area where you want to move/insert the chosen attendee type.
3. The order of the attendee types will adjust accordingly.